Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Observations at lunch time in a bank lobby

So I'm clearing out a bunch of stuff, and in the process I ran across some pages torn out of old notebooks.  This is stuff I didn't want to throw out (when I threw out the notebooks), but I don't want it floating around my desk, apartment, etc...so this is where I'll keep it.

As I write this, I'm sitting in a busy lobby of a downtown bank lobby.  It's noon, so there's quite the flow of people on and off of elevators and walking across to the front doors to find lunch outside.

-- Young man, balding, clinging to the last hairs on the front part of his head.  Leaning on one foot, away from the people he's talking to, even as he asks polite questions:

"How's your son?  Playing football?  Bowling 'em over?"  Hoping for short answers.  Not fully "there," not sure how to integrate the other guy he's going to lunch with.

-- Very large woman, perfect candidate for The Biggest Loser, at least 300 pounds...and beautiful.  Long, blonde ponytail.  Comfortable, attractive blouse, pedal pushers, ankle bracelet.

What's it like, being either of them?  What is their internal life like?  Their relationships?

"We must not judge our insides by other people's outsides."

Cherry Creek / people downtown / from the burbs...always look so scared.  It translates as judgement -- but what is it really?  Who were they as children and teens?  Are they living the adventure they dreamed of?

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